Bring Me Back
B. A. Paris
The book Reviewery gives 5 mugs – you’ll be up all night reading.
‘It must have been only a couple of minutes before I began to worry. It didn’t feel right that she hadn’t appeared yet….’
What is ‘Bring me back’ about?
Finn has moved on more than 10 years after his girlfriend, Layla, went missing, but when things get serious with his new girlfriend, he is haunted by thoughts of Layla. He finds himself questioning whether Layla really could be back to show her disapproval, or if someone else in his life is unhappy enough with the union to scare him.
Who is it for/ who will like it
If you enjoyed B. A. Paris’s suspense novels such as Behind closed doors. Fans of Shari Lapena (The couple next door) and J. P. Delaney (The girl before, The perfect wife).
My views
BA Paris has a knack for suspense that keeps the reader hooked and guessing what might happen next with clues strewn throughout – which is why I was up all night reading.